Death House Director – Harrison Smith, Camp Dread, Zombie Killers, Garlic and Gunpowder joins us LIVE on The Wicked Horror Show.

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President of Class of ’85, LLC. Directing debut: Camp Dread Recently wrapped production on the horror star studded Death House and the action-comedy, Garlic & Gunpowder. Director of Camp Dread, Zombie Killers: Elephant’s Graveyard, Death House, Garlic & Gunpowder Writer of The Fields, 6 Degrees of Hell, Camp Dread, Zombie Killers: Elephant’s Graveyard, Death House, Garlic & Gunpowder TV Work: Hang Men a director series reality show with Discovery Channel Virtual Reality: 360 Degrees of Hell for Samsung

In Death House During an exclusive tour, a power breakdown inside a secret prison known as the Death House sends two agents fighting through a labrynth of horrors while being pursued by a ruthless army of roaming inmates. As they fight to escape, the agents push toward the lowest depths of the facility where they learn a supernatural group of evil beings are their only chance for survival.


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