Steady GEEKIN’ Ep 30 Podern Life part 3: The Shape of Things to Come

It's the second half of the "Comic Con Chronicles" crossover [...]

By |2017-08-22T19:35:15-04:00June 5th, 2017|Past Episodes, podcasts, Steady Geekin"|Comments Off on Steady GEEKIN’ Ep 30 Podern Life part 3: The Shape of Things to Come

Steady GEEKIN’ EP 29 Podern Life part 2: Comic Con Chronicles Crossover

In this episode Blake, Brandon, and MAG team up at [...]

By |2017-08-22T12:32:17-04:00June 4th, 2017|Past Episodes, podcasts, Steady Geekin"|Comments Off on Steady GEEKIN’ EP 29 Podern Life part 2: Comic Con Chronicles Crossover

Steady GEEKIN’ 28 Podern Life part 1: A Chat with DW of Earplug Podcast

Blake, Brandon, and MAG skype with their new pal DW [...]

By |2017-08-22T12:23:32-04:00May 21st, 2017|Past Episodes, podcasts, Steady Geekin"|Comments Off on Steady GEEKIN’ 28 Podern Life part 1: A Chat with DW of Earplug Podcast